Saturday, August 18, 2007




NOTE: For manuscript church and census materials see appropriate sections below.

Butler Library, Columbia University, New York

Gumby Collection. DeLancey, John. Manumission Document. 2 April 1817.

Gumby Collection. John Mehehn to Livinus Clarkson. 24 February 1773. Bill of Sale.

Gumby Collection. Litye Hageman to Henry Van Beuren. 3 January 1783. Bill of Sale.

Henry, John. Manumission Document. 2 August 1788.

John Jay Papers. Case of John Mein, a black boy, from a report of the New York Manumission Society.

Plimpton Collection.

"Sixth Annual Report of the Society for the Support of the Colored Home, 1845‑1846." Special Collections.

Slavery Collection.

Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn, New York

"Abraham Brower v. Charles Miller." New York City, 5 August 1811. Package 327.

Augustus Griffin, Diaries, 1792‑1850. 2 vols.

Cortelyou Family‑‑Vital Statistics. Vault Package 137. Included is a list of the births of slave children.

Diary of J. Hempstead, Long Island, 1735‑1748, excerpts in Wortis Collection. Box 351A.

Helen Z. Wortis Collection. Toedteberg Room. Boxes 351 A, B, C.

The Wortis Collection contains a massive amount of information compiled by Wortis on Long Island slavery.

Hulst Family Papers. Package 106. Gerrit Onckelbag to Johannis Holsart, Bill of Sale, 14 October 1728.

Journal of John Baxter of Flatlands, Long Island, 1790‑ 1826. 6 vols.

Baxter's journal contains frequent entries concerning the activities and sales of local slaves.

"Matilda, a Free Black Woman her account current with Henry P. Dering, credit commencing in the year 1803 and continuing to the year 1818." from Easthampton Free Library, Pennypacker Long Island Collection. Document Book no. 1, p.29. In Wortis Collection. Box B Folder 1.

"Overseers of the Poor of Bushwick‑‑account presented by John Conselyea and John De Bevoise, overseers of the poor of Bushwick, for the maintenance and support of the following abandoned black children, January 1, 1805‑January 1, 1806, chargeable to the State of New York." Vault Package 132.

"Poor Account of the Town of Flatlands, April 1, 1824 ‑ March 29, 1830." Vital Statistics.

This account includes sums paid for the boarding of dependent blacks. Contrary to the document title, it includes the years 1807 to 1831.

Susannah Basset Bible. "Slave Birth Record, 1799‑1808." Vault Package 108.

Museum of the City of New York

Apprenticeship Papers. 6250, 35.377.32; 6282, 35.377.63; 6314, 35.377.95; 6316, 35.377.97.

Blackwell Family Papers.

De Lancey Family Papers.

J. Clarence Davies Collection. Andrew Leake to William Axtell. 11 April 1764. Deed of Mortgage.

Register of manumissions of slaves, and of agreements respecting the liberation of slaves, given to the society for promoting the manumission of slaves and protecting such of them as have been or may be liberated. 240 pieces.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society

Abstracts of Deeds in the Register's Office, Queens County. Libers A‑D, 1683‑1785. microfilm reel 42.10.

"Assessment Roll of the Town of Jamaica, August 19, 1823."

Frost Collection. Southold‑‑Notes from Town Records. Cases of John Norton's negro Lyman and Samuel Lautor's slave Prince.

Original Wills, New York County, Surrogate's Records 1680 ‑ 1804. 12 microfilm reels.

Richmond County Deeds. Libers B‑I, 1683‑1800s. microfilm reels, 44, 44.1, 44.2.

New‑York Historical Society

"Abstracts of the Valuations and Assessments in the County of Richmond in the Year 1800." Misc. Staten Island.

Slaves aged twelve to fifty years were included as taxable property.

African Free School Papers. 4 vols.

Bancker Papers. Ann Wilkins to Evert Bancker, Jr. December 1771. Bill of Sale.

Beekman Papers. Abraham Quick to James Beekman. 5 May 1753. Box 4 Folder 2. Bill of Sale.

Brown, James Fracis. Diary, 1829‑1866.

________. Memorandum Book, 1827‑1843.

This diary of a Fishkill, N.Y. ex‑slave gardener (originally from Maryland) pertains to the post‑slavery period.

Certificates of Freedom
These documents were filed to prove entitlement to freedom (and therefore to the right to vote).

Colored Orphan Asylum. Annual Reports 1837‑1884.

________. Book of Admissions, 1837‑1867.

________. Book of Indentures, 1837‑1866.

Cornelius Croesen Papers. Abraham Van Horn, Jr. to Cornelius Croesen. 30 May 1738. Bill of Sale; Adrian Bancker to Cornelius Croesen. 10 October 1777. Bill of Sale.

Dean Papers. John Dean to James Lilly. 29 September 1761. Bill of Sale.

Ezekiel Hawley Papers. Solemon Close receives bounty for his negro's military service. 26 August 1777.

Flushing Miscellaneous Papers. Sarah Burling to Nathaniel Tom. 23 January 1754. Bill of Sale.

Henry Dickinson Papers. Henry Dickinson to Thomas Alsop. 4 April 1766. Bill of Sale.

John Smith Papers, Miscellaneous. David Sherry to John Smith. 4 July 1808. Bill of Sale.

Indentures of Apprentices, 1801‑1811.

Indentures of Apprentices, Boys, New York City, 1815‑1828.

Indentures of Apprentices, Boys, 1816‑1820.

Indentures of Apprentices, Boys, 1823‑1826.

Indentures of Apprentices, Girls, 1816‑1822.

Indentures of Apprentices, Girls, 1829‑1831.

Indentures of Apprentices, New York City, 1792‑1794.

Indentures of Apprenticeships, Boys and Girls, 1805‑1891.

Indentures of Apprenticeships, Boys and Girls, 1815‑1915. 38 vols.

Inventories of Estates‑‑New York City and Vicinity 1717‑1844. 2 microfilm reels.

Journals of the Assembly of the State of New York. Sessions 8, 20‑52 (1785, 1797‑1829).

Journals of the Senate of the State of New York. Sessions 8, 20‑38 (1785, 1797‑1815).

Manumission Society, New York City Indentures 1809‑1829. microfilm reel no.1.

Manumission Society, New York City Register of Manumissions of Slaves in New York City 1816‑1818. microfilm reel no. 1.

Miscellaneous Slavery MSS. Cornelius Van der Neer, Jr. to William Longue. 24 October 1776. Bill of Sale; Robert Heaton to Nicholas Jones. 8 January 1781. Bill of Sale; William Elsworth to Mrs. Elsworth. 23 April 1790. Bill of Sale.

New York City Birth Certificates of Slaves. microfilm reel no.49. 240 pieces.

New York City, Miscellaneous MSS. Martha De Hart to Paulus Linhard. 13 May 1693. Bill of Sale. Box 31693.

New York Manumission Society‑‑Reports of the Standing Committee, January 26, 1797‑March 11, 1807. microfilm reels 1 & 2.

These reports contain case studies of blacks who were wrongfully enslaved or re‑enslaved and were being aided by the Society to gain freedom.

New York State Comptroller's Reports, January 25, 1798‑January 14, 1829. Journals of the Assembly of New York State. Sessions 21‑52, 1798 to 1829.
Included are budget reports listing payments made to overseers of the poor for the support of abandoned black children and superannuated slaves.

Ross, Miscellaneous MSS. Mary Ann Alstyne to Robert Ross. 9 June 1814. Bill of Sale.

Schenck Family Papers

Supervisor's Book. County of Richmond, New York, 1766‑1801, 1806‑1823. 3 vols.

Included are overseer of the poor accounts for boarding dependent blacks.

Town Book for Castletown for the entry of Black Children born of Slaves after July 1, 1799. microfilm reel 49.

Townsend, William. "The Negro Ledger." Oyster Bay, New York, 1761‑1762.

Townsend's ledger includes records of sales of merchandise to blacks and slaves (on behalf of their listed owners).

New York Public Library

Account Book of John Bowne 1649‑1703.

Adolph Phillipse. Manor of Philipsburgh. Inventory and Administration of Estate, 1749‑1763.

Bedford Town Records 1683‑1709. 1 vol. Manuscript Room. Case 21.

Book of Negroes Inspected on the 30th November 1783 by Capt. Gilfillan of Armstrong on board the fleet laying near Statten Island, in the absence of the American Commissioners and Secretary, which numbers have since been regularly registered and certified by said two captains. In British Headquarters Papers. Document 10427.

Book of Negroes Registered and Certified after having been Inspected by the Commissioners appointed for his Excellency Sir Guy Carleton, General and Commander‑in‑Chief on board sundry vessels in which they were embarked previous to the time of sailing from the Port of New York between April 23 and July 31, 1783 (Book 1), and July 31 and November 30, 1783 (Book 2). In British Headquarters Papers. Document 10427.

British Headquarters Papers.

Index entries are listed under either "negroes" or "slaves."

Genealogy of the Bowne Family of Flushing, New York. 4 vols.

John Bowne's Journal, 1649‑1694.

Hall, David. Letter concerning Samuel Claus, 1867. Miscellaneous Slavery Folder no.2.

Marriage and Birth Records, Wills and Inventories of Flushing, Long Island‑‑Photostats from the Originals in the Bowne House at Flushing, Long Island, 1677‑1783.

Minutes of the Justices, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of New York City, 1694‑1747.

New York City‑‑Almshouse and Bridewell‑‑Minutes 1791‑1797.

New York City‑‑Almshouse Commissioners‑‑Indentures of Minor Girls Put Out, or Infants Adopted 1822‑1825.

"New York City Coroners Jury‑‑Verdict of the Jury that Adrian Hooglandt died from wounds inflicted by certain named negro slaves during the insurrection on April 7, 1712."

"Overseers of the Poor for Flatbush to Fish and Vanderveer for the following furnished to Dale, a black man (pauper to the state) January 5, 1813." New York State‑‑Kings County‑‑Flatbush Box.

Pierre Toussaint Papers, 1793‑1848.

Slaves‑‑Miscellaneous Manuscripts. Folders one and two.

Transcripts of the Manuscript Books and Papers of the Commission of Enquiry into the Losses and Services of the American Loyalists held under Acts of Parliament of 23, 25, 26, 28, and 29 of George III preserved amongst the Audit Office Records in the Public Record Office of England 1783‑1790. Examinations in Nova Scotia, New York claimants. vols. 17‑31. Examinations in London, New York claimants. vols. 41‑46. Transcribed for New York Public Library.

New York State Library,

State Education Department,

Cultural Education Center,

South Mall, Empire State Plaza,

Albany, New York

Care of Children of Slaves. 4 folders. Accession Number 267. Box 1.

This collection contains local overseer of the poor accounts to New York State for the support of abandoned slave children.

Office of the State Comptroller, Albany. Ledger A, 1797‑1806. Accountant Ledger, 1797‑1837. Accession Number 233.

Office of the State Comptroller, Albany. Day Book No.2. August 13, 1801 to January 8, 1803. Day Book No.3. January 11, 1803 to November 9, 1803. Day Book No.4. November 10, 1803 to January 9, 1805. Manuscript no.310.

The comptroller's ledgers contain records of New York State payments to overseers of the poor of local towns for the support of abandoned slave children. The comptroller's day books mainly contain records of New York State payments to overseers of the poor for the maintenance of abandoned children born of slaves but also for the superannuated negroes formerly the property of convicted loyalists.

Town Records‑‑Westchester County, Nassau County, Suffolk County. North Hempstead poor records 1785‑1833. microfilm reel 76‑4‑3. Mamaroneck record of births of slave children 1799‑1818. microfilm reel 74‑31‑1.

Revolutionary Manuscripts‑‑Commissioners of Forfeitures: Southern District. Accession Number 7012. Collection Number 200. Boxes 46, 47, 48, 49.

This collection contains records of payments by New York State for the support of superannuated negroes who were formerly the property of confiscated loyalist estates.

St. Francis College,

James A. Kelly Institute,

Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Town Meeting Minutes, 1785‑1823. Book no.500.

Bushwick Town Records‑‑History, Deeds, Births of Slaves 1660‑1825.

Flatlands Slave Records 1799‑1838. Register of the Children born of slaves after the 4th day of July 1799 within the town of Flatlands in Kings County in the State of New York agreeable to an Act Entitled an Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the Legislature of this state the 29th day of March 1799.

Flatlands Town Records and Miscellaneous Deeds. 1661‑1831.

Flatbush Slave Records 1799‑1819: Births and Manumissions of Slaves 1799‑1819. vol.107.

This was originally Book 2 of Flatbush Town Records, and constitutes a readable copy of the originally entitled "Slave Holders in Kings County 1799‑1826. Flatbush Certificates of Births of Negro Children."

Flatbush Town Records. Liber A, Deeds and Wills 1670‑1708. Liber B, Deeds 1700‑1718. Liber C, Deeds 1666‑1686 (Abraham Franckfoort to Peter Stryker. 15 August 1683. Bill of Sale. p.275). Miscellaneous vol.1, 1652‑1708. 4 vols.

Gravesend‑‑Births of Slaves 1799‑1819.

Gravesend Town Records. Book 6. Patents, Deeds, 1645‑1701. Isaac Godding to Niclas Stillwell, Jr. 14 August 1694. Bill of Sale. pp.138‑39.

Gravesend Town Records. Book 7, Town Meetings.

Gravesend Town Records 1664‑1837, Miscellaneous. Gravesend Paper No.128 from Comptroller's Office, pp.201‑3. "The Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Gravesend vs. the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Brooklyn."

This court case contains delivered opinions on slave marriage and on the legal and family rights of grown children born of slaves between 1799 and 1827.

New Utrecht Births and Manumissions of Slaves 1800‑1822.

New Utrecht, Flatlands, Bergen Papers 1677‑1849
This collection of documents includes several property assessment rolls and a 1786 census of New Utrecht.

New Utrecht Town Records 1659‑1831.

Wills‑‑Commissioner of Records, Kings County. 3 vols.

Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences

Certificate by Capt. John Lawrence that Tom Pue, a negro belonging to Barent Pue, has the right to receive his wages. 18 March 1756.

Cornelius Bedell to Nicholas Depuy. 23 February 1798. Bill of Sale. Transcript from Staten Island Historical Society Collections.

Daniel Winant to Richard Dubois. 28 May 1804. Bill of Sale.

De Hart, Helen. Material on her great great great grandfather, Nicholas De Hart. Interview.

John Ten Brouk to Stephen Storm. 8 May 1812. Stephen Storm to Dr. Silas Lord. 5 June 1815. Account no.2900 transcript from original framed document.

Joseph Ryerss. File.

Lewis Prall to Richard Duboise. 30 January 1802. Bill of Sale.

"Register of Signatures of Depositors in Branches of the Freedman's Savings and Loan Trust Co. 1865‑1874." Microfilm reel 17.

Wills of Richmond County, 1787‑1863, on file at the Surrogate's Office, St. George, Staten Island.

Westchester County Historical Society

"Early Records Found on Freeing of Slaves." County_Times 21 January 1938. Originally From New Rochelle Town Records. Andrew Dean manumits three slaves. 24 March 1802.

First Minute Book of the Town of Mount Pleasant 1788‑1835.

Hacaliah Purdy to Elijah Purdy. 15 April 1784. Bill of Sale.

John Cornel to Drake Seymore. 15 May 1783. Bill of Sale.

John Fowler to Thomas Carpenter. 14 December 1754. Bill of Sale.

Records of Salem Precinct. Lower Salem‑‑South Salem
Town Records‑‑North Salem, 1790‑1840.

Five slave manumissions are listed in this record.

Underhill, Nicholas. Manumission granted to Sam at the Court of General Sessions of the Peace at Bedford, Westchester County. 27 May 1816.

Vantassell, Peter. Indenture agreement with Gould Bouton. 6 January 1781.

Miscellaneous Archives

New Rochelle, New York. Tom Paine Memorial House. Manuscripts include twelve slave manumission documents and thirteen documents registering the birth of slave children. Wills and estate inventories of the Philipse family of the Manor of Philipsburgh are located here: Will of Frederick Philipse, October 26, 1700; Estate Inventory of Adolph Philipse, February 12, 1749; Will of Frederick Philipse, June 6, 1751.

New York. Friends Meeting House. A Record of the Discharges of the Negroes set at Liberty by Friends of Westbury Monthly Meeting. March 15, 1776‑May 11, 1790.

Queens, New York. Queens College. Historical Documents Collection. Town Records of Westchester. Book 46: Schools and Slave Births 1799‑1822. microfilm reel TWC1. Book 58: "Manumition of Slaves" May 8, 1787‑April 11, 1816. Liber A. microfilm reel TWC2, roll 5.

________. Wills. Surrogate's Court. 1658‑1879. 71 reels.

The Historical Documents Collection houses a large number of will and estate inventory record groups originally deposited with the Surrogate's Court, the Mayor's Court, and the Court of Appeals, in addition to Will Libers.

Southold, New York. Southold Free Library. Southold Library Collection. Folder F271. J. Wickham Case, "Kedar and His Family," January 27, 1879; Rev. Epher Whitaker, Funeral sermon for Dorcas, printed in The_Christian_at_Work, 6 March 1879; Obituary of 'Lymas

Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. The Papers of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts at Lambeth Palace Library, London. American Colonies Series. 8 reels. New York, reels 13 and 14.

This source contains documents relating to the efforts of the SPGFP to spread Christianity in the colonies. Lists are included of the names of masters and mistresses who sent their slaves to Elias Neau for instruction in New York City in 1705, 1709, and 1719.


NOTE: For printed primary church and census materials see appropriate sections below.

Archibald, Harry, comp. White_Plains,_New_York_Minutes_of Meetings_of_Freeholders_and_Inhabitants_1725‑1811. n.p., 1914. Local History and Genealogy Room, New York Public Library.

Bloch Julius; Hershkowitz, Leo; and Scott, Kenneth. "Wills of Colonial New York, 1736‑1775." National Genealogical_Society_Quarterly 54 (June 1966):98‑124.

Bristol, Theresa Hall. "Abstracts of Wills Recorded at White Plains, Westchester County, N.Y. Subsequent to May 1, 1787." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 55‑58, 60 (1924‑1927, 1929) passim.

________. "Westchester County, New York, Miscellanea." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 50‑59 (1919‑1928) passim.

This article concludes under different authorship: Amos Canfield, "Westchester County, N.Y., Miscellanea: Abstracts from the Records of the Town of Westchester, N.Y., now at the Comptroller's Office, Municipal Building, New York City," New_York Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 60 (1929): 105‑14, 256‑64, 303‑12.

Brookhaven_Town_Records_Up_to_1800 Patchogue, N.Y.: Printed at the office of the "Advance" for the town, 1880.

Brush, Frank E. The_Records_of_Smithtown,_Suffolk_County. New York State Local History Town Records Series. Albany: University of the State of New York, 1917. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.

In this survey of Smithtown's records Brush located poor accounts beginning in 1767, records of manumissions of slaves 1809 to 1836, and records of the births of slave children from 1808 to 1819. None of these materials were published in Pelletreau's two volume edition of the town records of Smithtown (which did, however, contain manumissions prior to 1809).

Calendar_of_Historical_Manuscripts_Relating_to_the_War_of the_Revolution_in_the_Office_of_the_Secretary_of State,_Albany,_New_York. 2 vols. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co. for New York State, 1868.

Canfield, Amos. "Abstracts of Early Wills of Queens County, New York, Recorded in Libers A and C of Deeds Now in the Register's Office at Jamaica, New York." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 65 (1934): 114‑20, 245‑51, 319‑28.

Case, J. Wickham, copier. Southold_Town_Records. 2 vols. New York: Chas. M. Green Printing Co., by order of the towns of Southold and Riverhead, 1882‑1884.

These volumes cover the period of approximately 1640 to 1790, including Libers A, B, and C of the original town records‑‑Liber D and others were not published.

Catterall, Helen, ed. Judicial_Cases_Concerning_American Slavery_and_the_Negro. Vol.4. Cases_from_the_Courts_of New_England,_the_Middle_States_and_the_District_of Columbia. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication no.374, 1936.

Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society. Papers of_Lewis_Morris,_Governor_of_the_Province_of_New Jersey,_1738‑1746. vol.4. New York: George P. Putnam for the Society, 1852.

Collections of the New‑York Historical Society. Abstracts of_Wills_on_File_in_the_Surrogate's_Office,_New_York City,_1665‑1800. 15 vols. Publication Fund Series. New York: Printed for the Society, 1892‑1906.

________. Burghers_of_New_Amsterdam_and_the_Freemen_of_New York,_1675‑1866,_and_Indentures_of_Apprenticeship February_9,_1694/5_to_January_29,_1707/8. Publication Fund Series. New York: Printed for the Society, 1885.

________. Diary_of_William_Dunlap,_1766‑1839. 3 vols. New York: Printed for the Society, 1929‑1931.

________. Indentures_of_Apprentices,_1718‑1727. The John Watts De Peyster Publication Fund Series. New York: Printed for the Society, 1909.

________. Letter_Book_of_John_Watts,_1762‑1765. vol.61. New York: Printed for the Society, 1928.

________. Letters_and_Papers_of_Cadwallader_Colden,_1711‑1775. 9 vols. New York: Printed for the Society, 1917‑1935.

________. Muster_Rolls_of_New_York_Provincial_Troops, 1755‑1764. Publication Fund Series. New York: Printed for the Society, 1891.

________. "Muster Roll of the Artificers, Labourers, Horses, Wagons and Carts Employed in His Majesty's Service...August 26, 1781." Proceedings_of_a_Board of_General_Officers_of_the_British_Army_at_New_York, 1781. vol.49. John Watts De Peyster Publication Fund Series. New York: Printed for the Society, 1916.

________. Papers_of_the_Lloyd_Family_of_the_Manor_of Queens_Village,_Lloyd's_Neck,_Long_Island,_New_York, 1654‑1826. 2 vols. New York: J.J. Little & Ives Co. for the Society, 1926‑1927.

________. Proceedings_of_the_General_Court_of_Assizes, 1680_to_1682. vol.45. New York: Printed for the Society, 1912.

Corwin, Edward, ed. Ecclesiastical_Records_of_the_State_of New_York. 7 vols. Albany: James B. Lyon, State Printer, For the State under supervision of Hugh Hastings, 1901‑1916.

Daughters of the American Revolution, New Rochelle Chapter. Old_Wills_of_New_Rochelle:_Copies_of_Wills_by Citizens_of_New_Rochelle,_New_York,_1784‑1830. New Rochelle, N.Y.: Genealogical Committee of Daughters of the American Revolution, New Rochelle, 1951.

Daughters of the American Revolution, Several Chapters of New York State

________. Unpublished_Church,_Bible,_Cemetery,_and_Town Records. vol.361: White Plains Town Records 1732‑1840 State of New York. n.p., 1970‑1971.

Donnan, Elizabeth, ed. Documents_Illustrative_of_the History_of_the_Slave_Trade_to_America. Vol.3: New England_and_the_Middle_Colonies. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication no.409, 1932; reprint ed., New York: Octagon Books, 1969.

Downs, Arthur Channing, Jr., ed. Riverhead_Town_Records, 1792‑1886. 1 vol. Huntington, N.Y.: The Long Islander, printed by order of the town of Riverhead, 1967.

Eardeley, William, comp. Queens_County,_Long_Island,_New York,_Surrogate_Records_at_Jamaica,_New_York:_Indices of_Wills_and_Abstracts_of_Wills_1787‑1835. 2 vols. Brooklyn, N.Y.: n.p., 1905‑1918.

________. Records_in_the_Office_of_the_County_Clerk_at Jamaica,_Long_Island,_New_York,_1680‑1781. 2 vols. Brooklyn, N.Y.: n.p., 1918.

This source contains abstracts of wills, administrations, guardianships and estate inventories.

________. Suffolk_County,_New_York,_Surrogate_Records_at Riverhead,_New_York,_1787‑1829. 3 vols. Brooklyn, N.Y.: n.p., 1905‑1918.

Eastchester Historical Society. Records_of_the_Town_of Eastchester,_1665‑1835. 10 vols. Eastchester, N.Y.: By the Society, 1964‑1976.

Volume six contains overseer of the poor records from 1778 to 1824. Volume ten, entitled Miscellaneous Records_of_the_Town_of_Eastchester, New_York, 1794‑1834, consists of three sections. Section one contains slave birth and manumission records in a "Book of Coloured People‑‑Town of Eastchester, New York, 1795‑1822." These volumes are available at the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.

Easter, George, comp. The_Wills_of_Suffolk_County_on_Long Island_in_the_State_of_New_York,_Libers_A_and_B, 1787‑1809:_Abstracts. 2 vols. Riverhead, N.Y.: n.p., 1937. New York Public Library.

Eichholz, Alice, and Rose, James M. "New York State Manumissions." New_York_Genealogical_and Biographical_Record 108 (1977): 221‑25; 109 (1978): 22‑24, 71‑74, 145‑49, 229‑33; 110 (1979): 39‑42, 66.

________. "Slave Births in Castleton, Richmond County, New York." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical Record 110 (October 1979): 196‑97.

________. "Slave Births in New York County." New_York Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 111 (January 1980):13‑17.

Fernow, Berthold, ed. The_Records_of_New_Amsterdam,_1653‑1674. 7 vols. New York: The Knickerbocker Press under the authority of the City of New York, 1897; reprint ed., Baltimore: Genealogical Publication Co., 1976.

Forbes, Jeanne, transcriber. Records_of_the_Town_of_New Rochelle,_1699‑1828. 1 vol. New Rochelle, N.Y.: The Paragraph Press, 1916.

From_Cherry_Street_to_Green_Pastures‑‑A History_of_the Colored_Orphan_Asylum_at_Riverdale_on_Hudson. New York: By the Author, 1936. Butler Library, Columbia University.

Frost, Josephine. "Genealogical Gleanings from Book No.2 of Conveyances, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 54 (1923): 105‑11, 241‑51, 303‑19.

This article contains abstracts of wills, deeds, and bills of sale.

________, ed. Records_of_the_Town_of_Jamaica,_Long Island,_1656‑1751. 3 vols. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Lyons Genealogical Co. for the Long Island Historical Society, 1914.

Haacker, Fred, ed. Records_of_the_Town_of_Eastchester, 1703‑1835. n.p., 1952.

Haacker noted that early Eastchester town records prior to 1703 (transcribed by T. Edward Oakley) were located at Mt. Vernon Public Library along with records for the 1705 to 1860 period.

Hammon, Jupiter. "An Address to the Negroes in the State of New‑York

Hershkowitz, Leo. Wills_of_Early_New_York_Jews,_1704‑1799. New York: American Jewish Historical Society, 1967.

Historical_Records‑‑North_Castle/New_Castle:_Colonial History_and_Minutes_of_Town_Meetings_1736‑1791; Historical_Records_of_New_Castle_1791‑1850. 2 vols. North Castle/New Castle, N.Y.: By the Town Historian, 1975‑1977. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.

Historical Records Survey. Work Projects Administration. The_Earliest_Volume_of_Staten_Island_Records_1678‑1813. Transcriptions of Early Town Records of New York Series. New York: Historical Records Survey, 1942.

________. Town_Minutes_of_Newtown,_1656‑1734. 3 vols. Transcriptions of Early Town Records of New York Series. New York: Historical Records Survey, 1940‑1941.

Hoes, Chaplain Roswell Randall. "The Negro Plot of 1712." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 21 (1890): 162‑63.

Hufeland, Otto. A_Check_List_of_Books,_Maps,_Pictures_and

Other_Printed_Matter_Relating_to_the_Counties_of Westchester_and_Bronx. New York: By the Author, 1929.

Humphreys, David. An_Account_of_the_Endeavors_used_by_the S.P.G.F.P._to_Instruct_the_Negro_slaves_in_New_York, together_with_Two_of_Bishop_Gibson's_Letters_on_that Subject. London: By the Author, 1730.

Huntington_Town_Records,_Including_Babylon,_1653‑1873. Introduction by Charles Street. 3 vols. Huntington, N.Y.: The Long Islander Print at the authority and expense of the two towns, 1887‑1889.

Johnson, William, ed. Reports_of_Cases_Argued_and Determined_in_the_Supreme_Court_of_Judicature_in_the State_of_New_York. 20 vols. New York: New York State Courts, Supreme Court Law Reports, 1807‑1822.

Journal_of_the_Trustees_of_the_Freeholders_and_Commonalty of_Easthampton_Town,_1725‑1925. 7 vols. n.p., 1926.

Lincoln, Charles; Johnson, William; and Northrup, A. Judd, eds. The_Colonial_Laws_of_New_York_from_the_Year 1664_to_the_Revolution. 5 vols. Albany: James B. Lyon State Printer, 1896.

McCloskey, Henry. "Slavery on Long Island." Manual_of_the Common_Council_of_the_City_of_Brooklyn (1864): 157‑65.

This article contains a long list of slave manumissions, a copy of the 1755 slave census for Brooklyn, and a transcription of the 1799 abolition of slavery act.

McQueen, David. "Kings County, N.Y., Wills." New_York Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 47 (1916): 161‑70, 227‑32.

Meigs, Alice, comp. Records_of_the_Town_of_Jamaica,_1749‑1897. vols. 4‑7. Work Projects Administration, Long Island Collection of the Queensboro Public Library. n.p., 1940. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (microfilm).

Meyers, Carol M., ed. Early_New_York_State_Census_Records, 1663‑1772. 2d ed. Gardenia, Calif.: RAM Publishers, 1965.

Miller, Robert, ed. Miscellaneous Records Concerning Westchester County, New York, also the Census of the Inhabitants of some of the Towns in that County during the Years 1673, 1698, 1710. (Typewritten.) New York Public Library.

Moore, Charles, comp. Abstracts of Wills, Easthampton, Long Island, 1700‑1786. (Typewritten.) New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.

Morris, Ira K. Memorial_History_of_Staten_Island. 2 vols. New York: The Winthrop Press, 1900.

Morris, Richard B., ed. Select_Cases_of_the_Mayor's_Court_of New_York_City,_1674‑1784. Washington, D.C.: The American Historical Association, 1935.

National Archives and Records Service. General Services Administration. Debra L. Newman, comp. Special List No.36. List_of_Black_Servicemen_Compiled_from_the War_Department_Collection_of_Revolutionary_War Records. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service, 1974.

Negro_Protest_Pamphlets:_A_Compendium. The American Negro: His History and Literature. New York: Arno Press and the New York Times, 1969.

New York State. Statutes. Laws_of_the_State_of_New_York Passed_at_the_

O'Callaghan, Edmund B., ed. Calendar_of_Historical Manuscripts_in_the_Office_of_the_Secretary_of_State, Albany,_1630‑1664:_Dutch_Manuscripts. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co. for the State, 1865.

________. Calendar_of_Historical_Manuscripts_in_the_Office of_the_Secretary_of_State,_Albany,_New_York,_1664‑1776:_English_Manuscripts. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co. for the State, 1866.

________. The_Documentary_History_of_New_York_State. 4 vols. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1849‑1851.

________. Documents_Relative_to_the_Colonial_History_of the_State_of_New_York. 15 vols. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1853‑1887.

________. Laws_and_Ordinances_of_New_Netherland,_1638‑1674. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1868.

________. Voyages_of_the_Slavers_St._John_and_Arms_of Amsterdam,_1659,_1663;_Together_With_Additional Papers_Illustrative_of_the_Slave_Trade_under_the Dutch. Albany: J. Munsell, 1867.

Official_Document_Book_of_the_New_York_State_Freedom_Train. New York: New York State Library, 1950.

"Old New York Inventories of Estates." New‑York_Historical Society_Quarterly_Bulletin, 6, no.4 (1923): 130‑37; 8 (1924): 43‑46.

Osborne, Joseph, comp. Records_of_the_Town_of_Easthampton, Long_Island. <1639‑1900 5 vols. Sag Harbor, N.Y.: John H. Hunt, Printer, 1887‑1905.

Osgood, Herbert L., comp. Minutes_of_the_Common_Council_of the_City_of_New_York. <1675‑1776 8 vols. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., under the authority of the City of New York, 1905; <1784‑1831 19 vols. New York: By the City, 1917.

Oyster_Bay_Town_Records. <1653‑1878 8 vols. New York:

Tobias A. Wright, Printer, by order of the town, 1916‑1940.

"Papers Relating to the Evacuation of New York, in the Year 1783." In David Valentine, comp., Manual_of_the Corporation_of_the_City_of_New_York. 28 vols. New York: William C. Bryant, Printer, 1841‑1870; 28 (1870): 772‑844.

Pelletreau, William, comp. Early_Long_Island_Wills_of Suffolk_County,_1691‑1703:_the_Record_of_the Prerogative_Court_of_Suffolk_County_with_Genealogical and_Historical_Notes. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1897.

________. Early_Wills_of_Westchester_County,_New_York, 1664‑1784:_Abstracts_of_Wills_Recorded_in_the_New York_Surrogate's_Office_and_at_White_Plains,_New York. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1898.

________. Records_of_the_Town_of_Smithtown,_Long_Island, N.Y.,_with_Other_Ancient_Documents_of_Historic_Value <1650‑1836. n.p.: By authority of the town, 1898.

________. Records_of_the_Town_of_Southampton,_Long_Island, New_York,_1639‑1870. 6 vols. Sag Harbor, N.Y.: John H. Hunt, Printer for the town, 1874‑1910.

________. Wills_of_the_Smith_Families_of_New_York_and_Long Island,_1664‑1794:_Abstracts. n.p., 1898.

Petty, Joseph H. "Abstracts of Brookhaven (L.I.) Wills on Record in the Surrogate's Office, at New York." New York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 11 (1880): 24‑29; 12 (1881): 46‑49, 198‑99; 14 (1883): 140‑42; 24 (1893): 88‑90, 142‑44.

Records_of_the_Town_of_Brookhaven,_1798‑1856 3 vols. Port Jefferson, N.Y. : Times Steam Job Print by authority of the town, 1888.

Records_of_the_Towns_of_North_and_South_Hempstead,_1654‑1874. 8 vols. Jamaica, N.Y.: Long Island Farmer's Print by order of the Town Board of North Hempstead, 1896‑1903.

"Reverend John Sharpe's Proposals for Erecting a School, Library, and Chapel at New York, 1712‑1713." Collections_of_the_New‑York_Historical_Society 13 (1880): 348‑59.

Sharpe comments on the Christianization of slaves and on slave marriage in New York.

Roberts, James, comp. New_York_in_the_Revolution_as_Colony and_State. 2 vols. Albany: Press of Brandow Printing Co., 1898‑1904.

Savary, Judge A.W. "Muster Roll of Disbanded Officers, Discharged and Disbanded Soldiers and Loyalists Mustered at Digby, the 29th Day of May, 1784." New York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 34 (1903): 118‑23, 192‑97.

________. "Muster Rolls of Discharged Officers and Disbanded Soldiers and Loyalists, Taken in the County of Annapolis Between the 18th and 29th Days of June 1784." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 33 (1902): 214‑19; 34 (1903): 38‑44.

Scott, Kenneth. "The Church Wardens and the Poor in New York City 1693‑1747." New_York_Genealogical_and Biographical_Record 99 (1968): 157‑64; 100 (1969): 18‑26, 141‑47; 101 (1970): 33‑40, 164‑73; 102 (1971): 50‑56, 150‑56.

________. "Early New York Inventories of Estates." National_Genealogical_Society_Quarterly (June 1965): 133‑43.

________. "Early Original New York Wills." National Genealogical_Society_Quarterly (June 1963): 90‑99, 174‑78, 185.

________. "Manumissions in Kings County, New York, 1797‑1825." National_Genealogical_Society_Quarterly, 65, no.2 (June 1977): 177‑80.

________. "New York Inventories, 1666‑1775." National Genealogical_Society_Quarterly 54 (1966): 246‑59.

________. "Slave Birth Records, Kings County, New York, After 1800." National_Genealogical_Society Quarterly, 66, no. 2 (June 1978): 97‑103.

Scott, Kenneth and Hershkowitz, Leo. "Index of Original Wills, 1776‑1829." National_Genealogical_Society Quarterly (June 1967): 119‑45.

Scott, Kenneth, and Owre, James. Genealogical_Data_from Inventories_of_New_York_Estates,_1666‑1825. New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1970.

Selections_From_the_Revised_Statutes_of_the_State_of_New York,_Containing_All_the_Laws_of_the_State_Relative to_Slaves. New York: Published on behalf of the New York Manumission Society, 1830. Special Collections, Butler Library, Columbia University.

Shaw, Osborn; Weeks, William; Weeks, Archibald C.; and Weeks, Reginald, transcribers. Records_of_the_Town of_Brookhaven,_Book_A,_1657‑1679_and_1790‑1798, Including_the_Dongan_Patent,_1686. New York: The Derrydale Press by order of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town, 1930.

Shaw, Osborn, and Sleight, Harry D., transcribers. Records of_the_Town_of_Brookhaven,_Book_B,_1679‑1756. New York: The Derrydale Press by order of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town, 1932.

Shaw, Osborn; Weeks, William; Weeks, Archibald C.; and Weeks, Reginald, transcribers. Records_of_the_Town of_Brookhaven,_Book_C,_1687‑1789. New York: The Derrydale Press by order of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town, 1931.

Smith, Mrs. George Wilson, contributor. "Upper‑Aquebogue, L.I., Cemetery Registry." New_York_Genealogical_and Biographical_Record 38 (1907): 305‑10.

Statistics_of_the_Colored_Home,_Instituted_in_1839. New York: John A. Gray, 1849.

Stryker‑Rodda, Harriet. "Eeen Billezeel." New_York Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 110 (October 1979): 193.

Town_of_Bedford,_Westchester_County‑‑Historical_Records. 9 vols. Ann Arbor, Mich: Edwards Bros. for the town of Bedford, 1966‑1972.

The_Unpublished_Revolutionary_Papers_of_Major‑General Edward_Hand_of_Pennsylvania,_1777‑1784. New York: 100 copies printed, 1907. Butler Library, Columbia University.

Valentine, David, comp. Manual_of_the_Corporation_of_the City_of_New_York. 28 vols. New York: William C. Bryant, Printer, 1841‑1870.

Van Buren, De Witt, comp. Abstracts_of_Wills_of_Kings County_Recorded_at_Brooklyn,_New_York,_Libers_1‑6, 1787‑1843. 1934. (Typewritten.)

Van Buren, Elizabeth, comp. Abstracts_of_Wills_Recorded_at Riverhead,_Suffolk_County,_N.Y._Libers_A‑H,_1779‑1842. 2 vols. 1931. (Typewritten.) New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.

Van Laer, A. J. F., ed. and trans. Correspondence_of Jeremias_Van_Rensselaer_1651‑1674. Albany: University of the State of New York, 1932.

Withington, Lothrop. "New York Gleanings in England." New York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 36 (1905): 172‑76; 37 (1906): 184‑88.

Work Projects Administration. Records_of_the_Town_of Flushing,_1790‑1885. 3 vols. Long Island Collection, Queensboro Public Library, n.p., 1939. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (microfilm).

Yoshpe, Harry. "Record of Slave Manumissions in Albany, 1800‑28." Journal_of_Negro_History, 26, no.4 (October 1941): 499‑522.

________. "Record of Slave Manumissions in New York During the Colonial and Early National Periods: A. Abstract of Instruments of Manumission on Record in the Office of the Register, New York County; B. Abstract of Instruments of Manumission among the Papers of the Manumission Society, New York City." Journal_of Negro_History, 26, no.1 (January 1941): 78‑107.


Argus,_or_Greanleaf's_New_Daily_Advertiser, 1796, 1799.

Freedom's_Journal, 16 March 1827‑28 March 1829.

Frothingham's_Long_Island_Herald, 1791‑1798.

Long_Island_Star, 1809‑1827.

Long_Island_Weekly_Intelligencer, 27 November 1806; 11 June 1807.


New_York_Commercial_Advertiser, 1799, 1802, 1804, 1809.

New_York_Daily_Advertiser, 1799, 1802, 1804.

New_York_Evening_Post, 1802, 1804, 1809, 1827.

New_York_Gazette_(Bradford's), 1726‑1744.

New_York_Gazette_or_Weekly_Post_Boy, 1747‑1771.

New_York_Journal_and_Patriotic_Register, 1799.

New_York_Mercury, 1768‑1781.

New_York_Spectator, 1799, 1802, 1804, 1809.

New_York_Weekly_Post_Boy, 1743‑1749.

Suffolk_Gazette, 1804‑1810.

NOTE: Issues of Freedom's_Journal are available on microfilm at Butler Library, Columbia University. All other newspapers are located at the New‑York Historical Society. The following articles or compilations contain newspaper item excerpts which include blacks (runaway slave advertisements and reported public or criminal incidents which involved both whites and blacks).

Peyer, Joan B., and Scott, Kenneth. "Glimpses of Long Island Life in the 1790's." Journal_of_Long_Island History, 8, no.1 (Winter‑Spring 1968): 26‑56.

This article covers issues of Frothingham's_Long Island_Herald from May 3, 1791 to December 17, 1798.

Scott, Kenneth. "Genealogical Data from the New‑York Mercury <1752‑1783." New_York_Genealogical_and Biographical_Record 96‑107 (1965‑1976) passim.

In 1768 the newspaper's name changed to The_New_York Gazette;_and_the_Weekly_Mercury.

________. Genealogical_Data_from_the_New_York_Post‑Boy 1743‑1773. Special Publication No. 35. Washington, D.C.: National Genealogical Society, 1970.

________. "Genealogical Data from Zenger's New‑York Weekly Journal, 1733‑1751." New_York_Genealogical_and Biographical_Record 96 (1965): 1‑15.


NOTE: This section is subdivided into counties within which entries are arranged alphabetically by the name of the church (First Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn, etc.). Where several different records were located for the same church they are listed together and arranged alphabetically (the exact name of the church may vary from source to source). A list of vital records which were used in conjunction with the church records for research purposes follows this section. See appendix 7 on the inclusion of slaves and blacks in the baptism, marriage, and death records of churches listed in this bibliography. Some of the churches included in the bibliography (ones not listed in appendix 7) either had no black entries or contained black baptism, marriage, or membership records for the post‑slavery period only. They are listed here as guides for future research‑‑in some cases locatable original records may have black entries which were omitted in transcribed versions. The widespread exclusion of slaves and blacks from these church records reflects a combination of slave religious practices, owner interference, and church policy. A useful survey of church records in the southern six counties of New York is found in Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration, Inventory_of_the_Church_Archives in_New_York_City, vol.1: Reformed_Church; vol.2: Presbyterian; vol.3: Religious_Society_of_Friends: Catalogue:_Records_in_Possession_of_or_Relating_to_the_Two New_York_Yearly_Meetings_of_the_Religious_Society_of_Friends and_their_Subordinate_Meetings; vol.4: Protestant_Episcopal pt.1 Diocese_of_Long_Island (Kings, Queens), pt.2 Diocese of_New_York (Manhattan, Bronx, Richmond); vol.5: Lutheran; vol.6: Methodist; 6 vols. (New York: Historical Records Survey, 1939‑1940). A survey of church records in Westchester County is found in Field Horne, "A Guide to the Churches and their Records in Westchester County, 1674‑1880," 1977, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (Typewritten.)


Bergen, Teunis G., translator. "Baptisms 1660‑1719, Marriages 1660‑1696 in the First Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn."

"First Book of Records of the Dutch Reformed Church of Brooklyn, New York."

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, microfilm reel 25.3. Records of the Old First Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn. Baptisms 1792‑1865, Marriages 1833‑1873, Members 1785‑1873.

Work Projects Administration. Register_of_Baptisms, Marriages,_and_Deaths_of_the_Bushwick_Reformed Church.

"Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush, Baptisms 1677‑1754, Marriages 1677‑1757." Year_Book_of_the_Holland Society_of_New_York (1898).

Brooklyn, New York. Long Island Historical Society. Frances Cropsey, transcriber, Baptisms by Dr. Martinus Schoonmaker, Flatbush, 1802‑1847.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Frost Collection. Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush 1677‑1872. 5 vols.
In vol. 2, pp.86‑92, a long list of black marriages 1825 to 1854 appears under the heading "The Following Marriages are those of Colored Persons." Other volumes list black baptisms and church members.

Stryker‑Rodda, Harriet, copier. Records of the Protestant Dutch Reformed Church of Flatlands.

Stillwell, William, copier. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church at Gravesend‑‑History and Records.

Griffin, Walter Kenneth. "Baptismal Records <1718‑1741 of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of New Utrecht, Long Island, N.Y." New_York_Genealogical_and Biographical_Record 73 (April 1942): 96‑105.

Stryker‑Rodda, Harriet. "Records of the Reformed Church of New Utrecht, Long Island

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Records of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Brooklyn, N.Y., formerly known as the Sands Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Baptisms 1796‑1833, Marriages 1802‑1835, Members 1798‑1816, Deaths 1807‑1808 (microfilm).

Frost, Josephine, transcriber. St. Ann's Episcopal Church at Brooklyn‑‑Births, Marriages, Deaths. vols. 1 & 2.

Frost, Josephine, transcriber. St. Ann's Episcopal Church at Brooklyn‑‑Births, Marriages, Deaths. vols. 3, 4, & 5.


"Marriages performed in New York City, 1794‑1830, by Rev. John Stanford."

Cox, Maria D. B. "Records of the Marriages <1791‑1795, 1804‑1808 and Baptisms <1793‑1806 as Contained in the First Book of the Records of Christ Church, 71st Street and Boulevard, New York City." New_York Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 42 (1911): 322‑28.

Vosburgh, R., ed. Christ_Protestant_Episcopal_Church,_New York_City
"Baptisms of the First Presbyterian Church, New York City, 1804‑1809." New‑York_Historical_Society_Quarterly Bulletin 2 (April 1918): 54‑62; 2 (January 1919): 116‑29.

"First Presbyterian Church of New York City, continued as Second Presbyterian Church of New York City
Manuscript records of this church (baptisms 1788‑1809 and deaths 1786‑1804) are located at the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.

Knapp, Shepherd, ed. Personal_Records_of_the_Brick Presbyterian_Church_in_New_York_City_1809‑1908. New York: By Trustees of the Brick Presbyterian Church, 1909.

This church was originally part of the First Presbyterian Church of New York City.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Records of the First Moravian Church, New York City. Baptisms and Births 1744‑1890, Marriages 1750‑, Members 1788‑1810, Deaths 1752‑1890.

"Baptisms in the Lutheran Church, New York City, From 1725." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 97‑103 (1966‑1972) passim.

"Lutheran Church Marriages <1752‑1776 in New York City, For the Most Part Those of Christ Lutheran ('The Swamp') Church, Organized in 1751." New_York_Genealogical and_Biographical_Record 73 (1942):255‑73; 74 (1943): 74‑80.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Records of Christ Lutheran (the Swamp) Church. Baptisms 1764‑1774, Marriages 1752‑1802, Members 1773‑1774.

"Some Early Records of the Lutheran Church, New York." Year_Book_of_the_Holland_Society_of_New_York (1903): 1‑93.
Manuscript records of Trinity Lutheran Church from 1703 to 1802 (predecessor to Christ Lutheran

Stryker‑Rodda, Kenn. "Lutheran Church of New York City: Burials <1704‑1775." New_York_Genealogical_and Biographical_Record 105 (1974): 37‑40, 81‑89, 163‑66.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Records of Methodist Episcopal Church of New York City. Baptisms 1785‑1837, Marriages 1785‑1865.

Vosburgh, R. ed. Reformed_Dutch_Church_at_Greenwich_in_New York_City.

Dutch Reformed Church New York City Membership List with Index. <1649‑1829 New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.

"Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the City of New York.‑‑Church Members' List." <1649‑1829 New_York Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 9 (1878); vols. 59‑62 (1928‑1931) passim.

Vosburgh, R., ed. South_Reformed_Dutch_Church_in_Garden Street,_New_York_City.

"Records of St. Mark's Church in the Bowery New York City."

McGean, Rev. James. "Earliest Baptismal Register of St. Peter's <1787‑1800." U.S. Catholic Historical Society, Historical_Records_and_Studies 1 (1899): 97‑107; 1 (1900): 387‑99; 2 (1900): 148‑62; 2 (1901): 454‑63; 3 (1903): 217‑25; 3 (1904): 506‑15.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Records of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, New York City. Baptisms 1787‑1900, Marriages 1802‑1900.

Copied by permission of the Vestry. "Records of Trinity Church Parish

Kelby, Robert H. "Banns of Matrimony Published in the Parish of Trinity Church." New_York_Genealogical_and Biographical_Record 46 (1915): 167‑68.


New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Baptist Church at Oysterbay, Marriages by Rev. Marmaduke Earle, 1802‑1855.

Fish, John Dean. "History and Vital Records of Christ's First Presbyterian Church of Hempstead, Long Island, New York."

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Frost Collection. Records of the Episcopal Church of Jamaica, Long Island
Schoonmaker's records also include the Reformed Dutch Churches of Jamaica and Newtown.

"Register of Marriages by Jacob Schoonmaker at Jamaica and Newtown <1803‑1829." New_York_Genealogical_and Biographical_Record 111 (January 1980): 22‑30.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Frost Collection. Baptismal Records of the First Reformed Dutch Church at Jamaica, L.I. <1702‑1851 4 vols.

Stryker‑Rodda, Kenn. "Records of the First Reformed Dutch Church, Jamaica, Long Island. Members Received 1786‑1850." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 112 (1981): 18‑24, 80‑89.

________. "Records of the First Reformed Dutch Church of Jamaica, Long Island."

________. "Records of the First Reformed Dutch Church of Jamaica, Long Island. Marriages 1803‑1851." New York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 111 (1980): 22‑30, 95‑101, 170‑74, 201‑4.

Black marriages are listed on p.204 under a section entitled "Colored People married 1825 to 1850."

Ladd, Horatio. The_Origin_and_History_of_Grace_(Episcopal) Church,_Jamaica,_N.Y..

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Frost Collection. Hempstead, L.I., Records of Marriages, Births and Deaths of the Various Churches and Cemeteries in Hempstead, L.I. 1725‑1850.

These records include births (1725‑1847), marriages (1725‑1845), and deaths (1825‑1847) recorded at St. George's Episcopal Church at Hempstead and baptisms (1818‑1845), marriages (1805‑1844), and deaths (1788‑1845) listed at the Presbyterian Church of Hempstead.

Brooklyn, New York. Long Island Historical Society. Marriages from the records kept by John Hegeman of the town of Oyster Bay, 1776‑1835.

Frost, Josephine, copier. Records kept by Rev. Thomas Poyer, Rector, of Episcopal Churches at Jamaica, Newtown, and Flushing.
These records were originally copied by Henry Onderdonk, whose manuscript version is located at the Long Island Historical Society.

"The Register Book for the Parish of Jamaica."

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Frost Collection. Records of the Presbyterian Church of Jamaica, L.I.. Births 1679‑1848, Deaths 1750‑1848, Marriages 1775‑1848.

White, Arthur. "Records of the Presbyterian Church, Newtown (now Elmhurst), Queens County, Long Island, N.Y.."

White, Arthur, copier. Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Records_of the_Presbyterian_Church,_Newtown_(now_Elmhurst), Queens_County,_Long_Island,_N.Y.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Frost Collection. Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Newtown. Baptisms 1736‑1846, Marriages 1835‑1846.

The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society also holds records of this church on microfilm (reel 6‑Q). Records of baptisms 1741‑1845 are also on microfilm at the New York Public Library.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Wolver Hollow (Oyster Bay). Burials 1777‑1860, Marriages 1826‑1835.

"Reformed Dutch Church of Wolver Hollow (Oyster Bay), Long Island

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Records of St. George's Episcopal Church, Flushing, New York. Baptisms 1788‑1834, Burials 1790‑1834, Marriages 1782‑1834. Flushing microfilm reel.

See the bibliographical essay for information on the exclusion of blacks from this transcription of the church's records.

Scott, Kenneth. "Marriages in St. George's

________. "Records of St. George's

________. "Records of St. George's (Episcopal) Church, Flushing, Long Island, Burials 1790‑1896." New_York Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 111 (1980): 39‑50, 105‑10, 164‑70.

Haight, John Sylvanus. Adventures_for_God‑‑A_History_of St._George's_Episcopal_Church,_Hempstead,_L.I.. n.p., 1932.

Hicks, Benjamin D. "Records of St. George's Church, Hempstead, L.I., Baptisms <1725‑1771." New_York Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 9 (1878): 182‑87; 10 (1879): 16‑19, 89‑92, 133‑39; 11 (1880): 47‑51, 88‑93.

________. "Records of St. George's Church, Hempstead, L.I., From June 5, 1725.
See the bibliographical essay on black omissions from this church's records.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Frost Collection. Records of St. George's Episcopal Church, Hempstead. Baptisms 1725‑1847, Cemetery Inscriptions <1780‑1880, Marriages 1725‑1845.

Brooklyn, New York. Long Island Historical Society. Arthur S. Wardwell, copier. Records of St. George's Episcopal Church, Hempstead. Baptisms 1789‑1828, Coffin List 1834‑1855; Marriages 1787‑1815. File 271.

"Records of Zion Church of Little Neck at Douglaston, Queens County, New York."
The first book of records of this church is located at the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.

White, Mrs. William R., and Scott, Kenneth. "Marriages 1830‑1880, From the Registers of Zion Episcopal Church, Douglaston, L.I., N.Y." New_York Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 96 (1965): 240‑43; 97 (1966): 35‑46.


Vosburgh, Royden, ed. Records_of_Asbury_Methodist Episcopal_Church_at_New_Springville,_Formerly Northfield,_S.I..

New‑York Historical Society.

Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. "Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Port Richmond, Staten Island, N.Y.
These early baptisms also appear in John E. Stillwell, Historical_and_Genealogical_Miscellany 1 (1903): 57‑148 (cited below).

"Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Port Richmond, Staten Island, N.Y."

Vosburgh, R., ed. Records_of_the_Reformed_Protestant_Dutch Church_on_Staten_Island,_formerly_Northfield,_now the_Reformed_Dutch_Church_at_Port_Richmond. vol.2.

Vosburgh, R., ed. Records_of_the_Reformed_Protestant_Dutch Church_at_Richmond,_formerly_town_of_Southfield.

Vosburgh, R., ed. Records_of_the_Reformed_Protestant_Dutch Church_in_Tompkinsville...,_

Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences. Book of Records for St. Andrew's Church in the County of Richmond‑‑Those that are Baptized of years of Discretion are
This manuscript record contains a "List of Blacks that
Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. "Records of St. Andrew's Church in Richmond, Staten Island

Vosburgh, R., ed. Records_of_St._Andrew's_Protestant Episcopal_Church_at_Richmond,_S.I.,_formerly Northfield

Du Puy, Jane E., transcriber. Work Projects Administration. Records_of_St._John's_Church_at Clifton,_Staten_Island. n.p., 1938. New‑York Historical Society.

Vosburgh, Royden, ed. Records_of_St._Luke's_Protestant Episcopal_Church_at_Rossville,_formerly_Westfield, S.I.

Vosburgh, Royden, ed. Records_of_St._Mary's_Church_at_West New_Brighton,_formerly_Castleton.

Vosburgh, Royden, ed. Records_of_St._Paul's_Protestant Episcopal_Church_at_Tompkinsville,_Formerly Castleton,_S.I.

Du Puy, Jane, transcriber. Records_<1860‑_of_Summerfield Methodist_Episcopal_Church_at_Mariners'_Harbor, formerly Northfield,_Staten_Island. n.p., 1937. New‑York Historical Society and Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences.

Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. "Records of the United Brethren Congregation, Commonly Called Moravian Church, Staten Island, N.Y.

"Records of the United Brethren Congregation (Commonly Called Moravian), Staten Island, N.Y."

Vosburgh, Royden, ed. Records_of_the_Woodrow_Methodist Episcopal_Church_at_Woodrow,_S.I.,_in_the_former_town of_Westfield.


Craven, Rev. Charles E. "Parish Registers of Mattituck and Aquebogue, 1751‑1809." A_History_of_Mattituck,_L.I. New York: By the Author, 1906.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Joseph Petty, copier. Church Records of Aquebogue, L.I. Admissions, Baptisms, Deaths, Marriages 1764‑1809.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Joseph Petty, copier. Records of Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths at the Presbyterian Church in Mattituck. Baptisms 1751‑1777, Deaths 1768‑1776, Marriages 1751‑1776.

Daughters of the American Revolution, Several Chapters of New York State. Unpublished_Cemetery,_Church,_and Town_Records. vol.124: Bridgehampton

Daughters of the American Revolution, Several Chapters of New York State. Unpublished_Cemetery,_Church,_and Town_Records. vol. 236:

"Records of the Church of East Hampton
S.S. P., copier. "Records of Marriages <1700‑1746, Baptisms

Jefferson, Wayland. Cutchogue‑‑Southold's_First_Colony. n.p., 1940. New York Public Library.

Long Island Historical Society. Records of the First Church in Huntington. Baptisms 1723‑1778, Marriages 1726‑1779.

Records of the First Church in Huntington, L.I. 1723‑1779
In a miscellaneous section Rev. Ebenezer Prime kept records of the births, marriages, and deaths of his own children. On the last page is "A Record of the Birth of the Negro Children of my servants, York and Jenne."

Jefferson, Wayland. "Records of the First Church of Southold, Long Island

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. De Witt Van Buren, copier. Records of the First Church in Southold. Admissions 1748‑1756, Baptisms 1750‑1832, Communions 1763‑1786, Confessions 1763‑1804, Deaths 1807‑1828, Marriages 1748‑1828, Members 1807.

Eaton, James, copier. First Presbyterian Church, Babylon‑‑History and Records.
This church was originally known as the First Presbyterian Church of Islip and Huntington South.

Daughters of the American Revolution, Several Chapters of New York State. Unpublished_Cemetery,_Church,_and Town_Records. vol.342: Records

Long Island Historical Society. Records of Setauket Presbyterian Church. Deaths 1797‑1815, Marriages performed by the Reverend Zachariah Greene 1797‑1848.

Daughters of the American Revolution, Several Chapters of New York State. Unpublished_Cemetery,_Church,_and Town_Records. vol.106:
Daughters of the American Revolution, Several Chapters of New York State. Unpublished_Cemetery,_Church,_and Town_Records. vol.242: Unpublished Bible and Church Records of the Methodist, Episcopal Church of Patchogue, Long Island, N.Y.

New‑York Historical Society. William Robbins, copier. Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths in the Records of the Presbyterian Church of Huntington, L.I. kept by Rev. John Close, Rev. Nathan Woodhull, and Rev. William Schenck, 1766‑1817.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Louis Vail, copier. Records of Presbyterian Church, Sag Harbor, L.I. Baptisms 1797‑1832, Deaths 1795‑1833, Marriages 1797‑1835.

Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs. "Marriages and Baptisms Performed by the Rev. Joshua Hartt, of Smithtown, Long Island, with a Sketch of His Life."
These records are from the Presbyterian Church of Smithtown.

Robbins, William A. "The Records of the Presbyterian Church of Smithtown, Suffolk County, New York."
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Frost Collection. Church Records‑‑Reformed Dutch Church at Manhasset, L.I. Baptisms 1742‑1858. Marriages from the Reformed Dutch Church Book, Manhasset, 1801‑1847, 1870‑1874. Deaths 1790‑1840, 1870‑1875.

This church was originally known as the Reformed Dutch Church at Success, later as the Reformed Dutch Church at North Hempstead, and now the Reformed Dutch Church at Manhasset.

Robbins, William A. "The Salmon Records."

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. File. Records of Southold Presbyterian Church. Baptisms 1833‑1891, Deaths 1850‑1853, Members 1800‑1892.


Sherman, Thomas T. "Vital Records of Christ's Church at Rye, Westchester County, New York."

"Records of the Church of Christ in Salem, Westchester County, New York." Baptisms 1759‑1804, 1810‑1820, Deaths 1767‑1823, Marriages 1752‑1795, 1805‑1822 New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 31‑35 (1900‑1904) passim.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. First Methodist Church, White Plains‑‑Baptisms and Marriages (New Rochelle and White Plains Circuits). Baptisms 1796‑1861, Marriages 1795‑1864.

Eardeley, William, copier. Records_of_the_Presbyterian Church_of_Bedford_1733‑1859

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. microfilm. Records of Bedford Presbyterian (Christ) Church. Baptisms 1822‑1900, Marriages 1788‑1900, Members 1788‑1893.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Presbyterian Church of South Salem, N.Y. (Westchester County)‑‑Chronological Record of Marriages, Baptisms, and Deaths. Baptisms 1759‑1804, Deaths 1767‑1804, Marriages 1752‑1806. (Typewritten.)

Leach, Josiah G., ed. and Roebling, Emily, transcriber. Journal_of_the_Reverend_Silas_Constant‑‑Pastor_of_the Presbyterian_Church_at_Yorktown,_N.Y.
Vosburgh, Royden, ed. Records_of_the_Reformed_Church_of Fordham‑‑formerly_the_Reformed_Protestant_Dutch Church_of_Fordham_in_the_Town_of_West_Farms

Burhans, Samuel, Jr. "Records of Baptisms <1741‑1830 of the Reformed Dutch Church of Cortlandtown, Westchester County, New York." New_York_Genealogical and_Biographical_Record 73 (1942): 136‑43, 190‑99, 281‑86.

Bacon, Edgar, copier. First_English_Record_Book_of_the Dutch_Reformed_Church_in_Sleepy_Hollow,_formerly_the Manor_Church_of_Philipsburgh,_now_the_First_Reformed Church_of_Tarrytown.

Cole, Rev. David, copier. First_Record_Book_of_the_Old Dutch_Church_of_Sleepy_Hollow,_organized_in_1697‑‑now the_First_Reformed_Church_of_Tarrytown.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of the Manor of Philipsburgh (Tarrytown). Baptisms, Marriages, 1697‑1790, Members 1697‑1775.

Daughters of the American Revolution, Several Chapters of New York State. Perle M. Steele, copier. Unpublished Cemetery,_Church,_and_Miscellaneous_Records. vol.54: St. John's
A copy of these records transcribed by Steele is also located at the New York Historical Society.

Getty, Innes. "Records of St. John's Episcopal Church, Yonkers, N.Y."

Eastchester Historical Society, transcriber. Records_of_St. Paul's_Church,_Eastchester. vols.1 & 2: Deacon's_Book 1826‑1841, Sexton's_Book_1842‑1851. vols. 3, 4, & 5: Burial_Records_of_St._Paul's_Church,_Eastchester. Series 2, vol. 3, sections 1, 2, 3. Eastchester, New York: By the Society, 1966‑1973.

Volumes one and two also contain church business meeting records and ledgers covering the 1787 to 1851 period.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Records of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Eastchester. Baptisms 1667‑1705, 1829‑1889, Marriages 1837‑1906. (Typewritten.)

Jordan, Mrs. Sterling B., transcriber. Poundridge Presbyterian_Church‑‑Marriages_by_Rev._William Patterson,_1837‑1886. n.p., 1939.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Mrs. Alfred Bartlett Cole, copier. French Reformed Church, later called Trinity Church, New Rochelle. Baptisms 1725‑1765.

"Records of the French Church at New Rochelle, N.Y."


Daughters of the American Revolution, Several Chapters of New York State

Combes, George D. A. "Births, Marriages and Deaths, Hempstead, Long Island, New York, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1852‑1863." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical Record 55 (1924):270‑80, 368‑77; 56 (1925):19‑28.


Haacker, Frederick. New Rochelle, New York: Deaths 1853‑1881, Copied from the New Rochelle Press Almanacs 1879‑1882 and From Account Books of Cornelius Seacord, Coffinmaker. n.p., 1955. New York Public Library.

"New York City Deaths‑‑A List of Yellow Fever Victims, 1795." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 81 (1950):146‑55, 203‑6.

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Frost Collection. Church Records of Long Island‑‑Vital and Church Records of Flushing and Vicinity, pp. 57‑151. Deaths 1847‑1870.


Note: Additional information on these censuses is located in appendix 1, Census Materials‑‑List of Abbreviations.

Blank, John A. "The Census of 1781." Nassau_County Historical_Journal 13 (October 1951):1‑9; 13 (January 1952):39‑52.

Bloch, Julius; Hershkowitz, Leo; and Scott, Kenneth. "New York City Assessment Roll, February 1730," New_York Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 95 (1964):27‑32, 166‑74, 197‑202.

Brooklyn, New York. Long Island Historical Society. Hulst Family Papers, Vault Package 106. "List of Newuitrick of Negroes and Chimbles, 1709‑1710."

Brooklyn, New York. Long Island Historical Society. New York Colonial MSS., 33:94, New York State Library. "Southold Census, 1686."

Brooklyn, New York. St. Francis College. James A. Kelly Institute. Gravesend Town Records 1664‑1837, Miscellaneous, pp. 45‑46. "A List of the Ratable Estate of the Inhabitants of Gravesend for the Year 1788."

Brooklyn, New York. St. Francis College. James A. Kelly Institute. New Utrecht, Flatlands, Bergen Papers 1677‑1849, pp. 5‑7, 27‑31, 40‑42, 57‑58, 63. "New Utrecht Assessment Roll, August 1693"; "List of New Utrecht in the Year May 5, 1716"; "A List of the Real and Personal Property of the Town of New Utrecht, November 18, 1717"; "Assessment Roll, New Utrecht, May 1718"; "List for the Year 1734/5 New Utrecht"; "A List of the Inhabitants of New Utrecht, May 10, 1786."

"Census of Huntington, 1790." Huntington_Town_Records, Including_Babylon,_1653‑1873, 3:147‑58.

This census provides information on property holding which does not appear in the 1790 federal census for Huntington.

"Census of Staten Island in the Year 1706." vol. 1:149‑56. John E. Stillwell. Historical_and_Genealogical Miscellany‑‑Data_Relating_to_the_Settlement_and Settlers_of_New_York_and_New_Jersey. 5 vols. New York: By the Author, 1903.

Darlington, Oscar. "Long Island Census of 1781." In Long Island‑‑A_History_of_Two_Great_Counties‑‑Nassau_and Suffolk, 2:313‑30. Edited by Paul Bailey. New York: Lewis Historical Pub. Co., 1949.

Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of the Census. A Century_of_Population_Growth:_From_the_First_Census_of the_United_States_to_the_Twelfth_1790‑1900. History of American Economy: Studies and Materials for Study. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1909; reprint ed., New York: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1966.

_________. "Population of the Colony of New York, By Counties: 1698." table 88, p. 170.

_________. "Male and Female Population of the Colony of New York, in Certain Age Groups, By Counties, 1703." table 89, p. 170.

________. "White and Slave Population of New York, in Certain Age Groups, By Sex, According to the Partial Census of 1712." table 91, p. 181.

_________. "White and Negro Population of the Province of New York, Distinguished as Children and Adults, By Sex: 1723." table 92, p. 181.

_________. "A List of the Number of Inhabitants, Both Whites and Blacks of Each Species, Within the Province of New York, 1737." table 94, p. 182.

_________. "An Account of the Number of Inhabitants of the Province of New York, Taken 4 June 1746." table 95, p. 182.

_________. "An Account of the Number of Inhabitants in the Province of New York, Taken 10 May 1749." table 96, p. 182.

_________. "General List of Inhabitants in the Province of New York, Extracted from the returns of the Sheriffs in the Several Counties, 16 February 1756." table 97, p. 183.

_________. "List of Inhabitants in the Several Counties in the Province of New York, Taken in the Year 1771." table 98, p. 183.

_________. "White and Slave Population, and Indians Taxed in New York, in Certain Age Groups, By Sex: 1786." table 99, p. 183.

_________. 1790 Census, Population Tables. tables 104, 105, 112‑15, pp. 194‑95, 202, 272, 275, 281‑84, 293‑94.

Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of the Census. Heads_of_Families_at_the_First_Census_of_the_United States_Taken_in_the_Year_1790‑‑New_York. 12 vols. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1907‑1908.

"Federal Census, 1800‑‑Kings, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, Westchester Counties." New_York_Genealogical_and Biographical_Record, copied from photostats made from the originals in the Census Bureau, Washington, D.C., vols. 49, 50, 53‑69 (1918, 1919, 1922‑1938).

Force, Peter, ed. American_Archives:_A_Documentary_History, Consisting_of_Collections_of_Authentick_Records._._._. 6th Series. 9 vols. Washington, D.C.: Prepared and published under authority of an act of Congress, 1837‑1853. "Number of Inhabitants in the Several Towns of Suffolk County, July 1776." vol. 4 (1846):1236‑52.

Furman, Gabriel. Antiquities_of_Long_Island,_and_Notes Geographical_and_Historical_Relating_to_the_Town_of Brooklyn_in_Kings_County_on_Long_Island,_to_Which_is Added_a_Bibliography_by_Henry_Onderdonk. ed. Frank Moore. New York: J. W. Bouton, 1875. "New York City 1697 Census."

Gardner, Charles Carroll. "Census of Newtown, Long Island, August 1698." The_American_Genealogist, 24, no. 3 (July 1948):133‑37.

Harris, Edward Doubleday. "The Hempstead Census of 1698." New_York_Genealogical_and_Biographical_Record 45 (January 1914):54‑67.

Hartell, Ann. "Slavery on Long Island." The_Nassau_County Historical_Journal, 6, no. 2 (Fall 1943):55‑71.

This source describes the contents of the 1722 Hempstead and Oysterbay censuses.

Hough, Franklin Benjamin. Statistics_of_Population_of_the City_and_County_of_New_York_as_shown_by_the_State Census_of_1865. Prepared at the request of the Committee on annual taxes of the Board of Supervisors, Document no. 13. New York: New York Printing Co. for the County, 1866.

This source contains several New York City censuses beginning in the early nineteenth century (1805, 1816, 1820).

"List of All the Inhabitants of the Township of Brookland, Both of Whites and Blacks, Males and Females, in 1783." Manual_of_the_Common_Council_of_the_City_of Brooklyn (1864):188‑89.

Mallmann, Jacob. Historical_Papers_on_Shelter_Island_and Its_Presbyterian_Church. New York: A. M. Bustard Co., 1899. "Shelter Island‑‑Census of 1771." p. 62.

Miller, Robert B. "Census of Town of Westchester, 1698." revised by A. J. F. Van Laer. New_York_Genealogical and_Biographical_Record 38 (1907):129‑35, 218‑22.

This entry also includes "Census of Inhabitants of the Town of Eastchester, 1698"; "Inhabitants of Fordham and Adjacent Places, 1698"; and "Census of the Town of Bedford, 1698 or 1710."

Moorhouse, Ann. "A 1698 Census New Utrecht." Journal_of Long_Island_History, 14, no. 1 (Fall 1977):54‑57.

National Archives. National Archives and Records Service. National Archives Microfilm Publications. General Services Administration. Population_Schedules_of_the Fourth_Census_of_the_United_States,_1820. Washington, D.C.: 1959. New York Public Library.

_________. Population_Schedules_of_the_First_Census_of_the United_States,_1790. Washington, D.C.: 1965. New York Public Library.

_________. Population_Schedules_of_the_Second_Census_of_the United_States,_1800. Washington, D.C.: 1959. New York Public Library.

_________. Population_Schedules_of_the_Third_Census_of_the United_States,_1810. Washington, D.C.: 1958. New York Public Library.

National Archives and Records Service. General Services Administration. Debra L. Newman, comp. Special List No. 34. List_of_Free_Black_Heads_of_Families_in_the First_Census_of_the_United_States_1790. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service, 1973.

New York. Butler Library. Columbia University. "Census of the Electors and Total Population of the City and County of New York, 1807."

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. "New York County, First Ward, 1800 Census." (Typewritten.)

New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. File. "Original Assessment Roll of the Town of Jamaica, New York, 19 August 1823."

New‑York Historical Society. John Stillwell Collection. "Assessment List of Taxable Property in the Town of Gravesend, 1802 and 1805."

"New Rochelle Inhabitants, 1767 and 1771

O'Callaghan, Edmund, ed. The_Documentary_History_of_New York_State. 4 vols. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1849‑1851. These volumes contain a large number of early censuses: "Valuations of Estates at Flushing, 1675," 2:263‑64; "Rate List of Amesfort (Flatlands) September 25, 1683," 2:288‑89; "Population of Easthampton, 1687," 3:219; "Census of Kings County; About 1698: A List of All the Freeholders Their Wives Children Apprentices and Slaves Within the Kings County on Nassau Island," 3:87‑89; "An Exact List of Ye Inhabitants Names Within Ye Towne of Flushing and Precincts of Old and Young Freemen and Servants White and Black, 1698," 1:432‑37; "A List of Ye Inhabitants of Ye Towne of Southampton Old and Yong Christians and Hethen Freemen and Servants White and Black, 1698," 1:437‑47; "A List of the Names of Old and Young, Christians, and Heathens, Freemen, and Servants, White; and Black; Inhabitteinge Within the Town‑Shipp of Southold, 1698," 1:447‑56; "Census of the City of New York, 1703," 1:395‑405; "The List of the Towne of Eastchester, 1710," 3:572; "The List of the Towne of New Rochelle, 1710," 3:571‑72; "Census of Westchester County, 1712," 3:574; "A List of All the Inhabitants off the Township off Flattbush, Flattlands, Gravesend, New Utrecht, Brookland, Bushwyck, Both of Whites and Blacks, Males and Females, 1731," 4:122‑31; "A List of the Number of Inhabitants, Both Whites and Blacks Males and Females Each Sort Above and Under the Age of Ten Years in Queens, Suffolk, Richmond, New York, Kings, 1738," 4:119‑22; "Slaves in Westchester County, Long Island, Queens County, Kings County, Richmond County, 1755," 3:510‑21; "1775 Slave Census For North Castle/New Castle," 3:855‑56.

Onderdonk, Henry, copier. Tax_Lists_of_Hempstead,_Long Island,_for_1784,_1788,_1792,_1797. Brooklyn, New York: n. p., 1940. (Typewritten from a manuscript at the Long Island Historical Society.)

Osgood, Herbert L., compiler. Minutes_of_the_Common_Council of_the_City_of_New_York_<1784‑1831. 19 vols. New York: By the City, 1917. New York City censuses: 1805/1806, 1807, 1810, 1813, 1819. vol. 4:187,650; vol. 7:689, 702; vol. 10:622.

Randolph, Howard S. F., transcriber. "The Census of 1698 for Mamaroneck, Morrisania, and New Rochelle, Westchester County, New York." New_York_Genealogical and_Biographical_Record 59 (April 1928):103‑7.

"Staten Island 1825 Census." Board of Education. "The Black Man on Staten Island." The_Black_Man_in American_History. Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences.

Town_of_Bedford,_Westchester_County‑‑Historical_Records. 9 vols. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Edwards Bros. for the town of Bedford, 1966‑1972. Bedford censuses: 1710, 1784, 1814, 1821, 1825, 1830. vol. 1:149‑52. vol. 4:107, 120, 138‑42.

U.S. Bureau of the Census. Social Science Research Council. Historical_Statistics_of_the_United_States‑‑Colonial Times_to_1957:_A_Statistical_Abstract_Supplement. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960.

U.S. Bureau of the Census. Negro_Population_in_the_United States,__1790‑1915. n.p., 1918; reprint ed., New York: Arno Press, 1968.

U.S. Census Office. "Aggregate Amount of Each Description of Persons Within the Southern District of New York, 1820." Fourth_Census,_1820. Washington, D.C.: Gates & Seaton by authority of an Act of Congress, 1821.

U.S. Census Office. "Aggregate Amount of Each Description of Persons Within the Southern District of New York, 1830." Fifth_Census,_or_Enumeration_of_the Inhabitants_of_the_U.S.,_1830. Washington, D.C.: Duff Green by authority of an Act of Congress, 1832; reprint ed., New York: Cornwall, 1951.

U.S. Census Office. "Aggregate Amount of Each Description of Persons Within the U.S.A., 1810." Washington, D.C.: n.p., 1811. Document Center, Lehman Library, Columbia University, reel F‑a68, U.S. Census of Population, 1800‑1830.

U.S. Census Office. "Second Census of the U.S., 1800‑‑ Schedule of the Whole Number of Persons in the District of New York." Return_of_the_Whole_Number_of Persons_Within_the_Several_Districts_of_the_U.S. Washington, D.C.: Printed by order of the House of Representatives, 1801.

Wells, Robert V. "The New York Census of 1731." New‑York Historical_Society_Quarterly 57 (July 1973):255‑59.


Abbott, Wilbur C. New_York_in_the_American_Revolution. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1929; reprint ed., Port Washington, N.Y.: Ira J. Friedman, 1962.

Alexander, Arthur. "Federal Officeholders in New York State as Slaveholders, 1789‑1805." Journal_of_Negro History 28 (1943):326‑49.

Allinson, William J. Memoir_of_Quamino_Buccau:_A_Pious Methodist. Philadelphia: Henry Longstreth, 1851.

Andrews, Charles. The_History_of_the_New_York_African_Free Schools,_From_their_Establishment_in_1787_to_the Present_Time. New York: Mahlon Day, 1830; reprint ed., New York: Negro Universities Press, a Division of Greenwood Publishing Co., 1969.

Andrews, Charles, and Davenport, Frances. Guide_to_the Manuscript_Materials_for_the_History_of_the_U.S._to 1783,_in_the_British_Museum,_in_Minor_London_Archives, and_in_the_Libraries_of_Oxford_and_Cambridge. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1908; reprint ed., New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1965.

Bailey, Rosalie Fellows. "The Account Books of Henry Lloyd of the Manor of Queens Village." Journal_of_Long Island_History 2 (Spring 1962):26‑49.

________. "Dutch Systems in Family Naming." National Genealogical_Society_Special_Publication no. 12 (May 1954):1‑21.

Baird, Charles W. Chronicle_of_a_Bordertown‑‑History_of Rye,_Westchester_County,_New_York,_1660‑1870. New York: Anson D. Randolph & Co., 1871; reprint ed., Harrison, N.Y.: Harbor Hill Books, 1974.

Barclay, George. Techniques_of_Population_Analysis. 5th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1964.

Barnett, Enid. "Educational Activities by and in Behalf of the Negroes in New York, 1800‑1830." Negro_History Bulletin, 14, no. 5 (February 1951):99‑102, 113‑14.

Bayles, Richard M., ed. History_of_Richmond_County,_New York,_From_Its_Discovery_to_the_Present_Time. 2 vols. New York: L. E. Preston & Co., 1887.

Bernard, Jacqueline. Journey_Toward_Freedom:_The_Story_of Sojourner_Truth. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1967.

Beyer, Richard. "Slavery in Colonial New York." Journal_of American_History 23 (1929):102‑8.

Board of Education. "The Black Man on Staten Island." The Black_Man_in_American_History. Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences.

Bolton, Robert. The_History_of_the_Several_Towns,_Manors, and_Patents_of_the_County_of_Westchester,_from_its First_Settlement_to_the_Present_Time. 2 vols. New York: Chas. F. Roper, 1881.

Smith, Venture. "A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Venture, a Native of Africa," Related by Himself. In Five_Black_Lives‑‑the_Autobiographies_of_Venture Smith,_James_Mars,_William_Grimes,_Rev._G._W._Offley, James L. Smith. Edited by Arna Bontemps. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1971.

Bradley, L. "An Enquiry into Seasonality in Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials." Local_Population_Studies 4 (Spring 1970):21‑40.

Cadbury, Henry J. "John Hepburn and His Book Against Slavery, 1715," Proceedings_of_the_American Antiquarian_Society 59 (1949):89‑160.

Calam, John. Parsons_and_Pedagogues‑‑the_S._P._G._Adventure in_American_Education. New York: Columbia University Press 1971.

Clarke, T. Wood. "The Negro Plot of 1741." New_York_History 25(1944):167‑81.

Clute, John J. Annals_of_Staten_Island,_from_Its_Discovery to_the_Present_Time. New York: Press of C. Vogt, 1877.

Cohen, David Steven. The_Ramapo_Mountain_People. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1974.

Coley, James E. "Slavery in Connecticut." Magazine of American_History 25(1891):490‑92.

Connolly, Harold X. A_Ghetto_Grows_in_Brooklyn,_New_York. New York: New York University Press, 1977.

Corwin, Charles. "Efforts of the Dutch Colonial Pastors for the Conversion of the Negroes." Journal_of_the Presbyterian_Historical_Society, 12, no. 7 (April 1927):425‑35.

Cottrol, Robert J. The_Afro‑Yankees:_Providence's_Black Community_in_the_Antebellum_Era. Contributions in Afro‑American and African Studies, No. 68. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982.

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